sabato 30 giugno 2012

C...& C...

Cobra Barbasch----->

SKIN:-NIVARO- Crow Skin - summertone - linehair_hair

HAIRS:-Entente- Marc Hat & Hair - B&W

SWEATER: [BLK2.0] Male-OpenHood GiveMe5 

JEANS: <kal rau> Baggy Jeans_Boxer_Plaid

SHOES: REDGRAVE ! Sneakers Miles - Light / (RGP2310003)

Chanel Bruun---->

SKIN: [Katsucide] Lisa Night Light  The Grunge Soul Project

HAIRS: Miss C.- Ashley_Natural  The Grunge Soul Project

SHIRT: .:cheeky:. One side Ruffles Shirt! Leo *Mesh  The Grunge Soul Project

PANT: - piccara - Latex Pants (black)  The Grunge Soul Project

TATTOO: - piccara - Fly Away Tat. The Grunge Soul Project

SHOES: Mstyle RIVEA Pumps - Gold Panther

NAILS:  Mstyle  Long Nails v2 - Night In Moscow

RING+EARRING: ..:: BenS Beauty ::.. Elegance Earring & Ring Black

Collaboration on FaschionSl

my doll pink *-*

SKIN: *JeSyLiLO*:::SIS*6*Tan skin  [_Stuff in Stock_]

HAIRS: =DeLa*= - Mesh Hair "9B 1" Orange Brown SL9B  FREE

 DRESS: .::CENSORED::. Pink Lines DRESS  [_Stuff in Stock_]

RING: ..:: BenS Beauty ::.. Melissa Ring Silver FatPack "pink" b [_Stuff in Stock_]

BRACELET: ...::: AV!SAGE :::... Cabochon  Bracelets & Rings Set

SHOES: LaRosa Shoes The Day Stilettos

venerdì 29 giugno 2012

pLooM SaLe

                do you like me ... follow the blue arrow and ... buys everything looool


By Chanel Bruun

giovedì 28 giugno 2012


SKIN: :[AL Vulo!]-[Julia]-Dream of midnight The Grunge Soul Project

HAIRS: /Wasabi Pills/ Lola summer Mesh Hair - Blonds Pack

SKIRT: {K}Rea BiColor skirt (mesh)  fi*Fridays

TOP: .MarieDoll. Lace Tied Tops "mint"


By Chanel Bruun *-*


SKIN: ::Modish:: Lamia Passion Pale

LIP: ::Modish:: MyGlossyPink lipsticks "1" The Grunge Soul Project

SHAPE: ::Modish:: KastAspell Shape

HAIRS: [Atro Patena] -  Heaven_Brown  The Grunge Soul Project

TOP: SOeSO Mesh_Python Fuxia Top

SKIRT: - piccara - Lolita Skirt  The Grunge Soul Project

SHOE: - CHANDELLE - Shoe Pry. black [MESH]

EARRING: ..:: Bens Beauty ::.. Tanyeli Earring "black&pink"

NAILS: ...:::Scrub:::... Puzzle Nails  The Grunge Soul Project

By Chanel Bruun


HAIRS: Yassine hair style UNISEX HAIR PLUM The Grunge Soul Project

LIP: ::Modish:: MyGlossyPink lipsticks "3" The Grunge Soul Project

EYES: .ID. Wild Flavor Eyes Cherry Bomb The Grunge Soul Project

T-SHIRT: * hope`s * schulter t-shirt "black"

JEANS: *HolliPocket* Girly Girl Jeans-Set 3- "mint" The Grunge Soul Project

HEADPHONES: DEF! Headphones/Beats By DEF!/Solo/Pink The Grunge Soul Project

NAILS: ...:::Scrub:::... Puzzle Nails The Grunge Soul Project

BOOTS: Retro' - masks boots The Grunge Soul Project

PLUGS: P.i.X.X.i.S Plugs

NECKLACE: [SPLASH] Loved Skull Necklace Pink The Grunge Soul Project

By Chanel Bruun

mercoledì 27 giugno 2012


SKIN: G O L A \ Anika -SKIN- The Grunge Soul Project

HAIRS: Miss C.- Ashley _"black" The Grunge Soul Project

EYES: {D.A} The Wildlin-Raven The Birds The Grunge Soul Project

MAKE UP: {D.A} The Wildlin-Raven The Birds "4" The Grunge Soul Project

CORN: {D.A} The Wildlin-Raven The Birds The Grunge Soul Project

DRESS: [y] Wattag - Black The Grunge Soul Project

BOOTS: Retro' - masks boots The Grunge Soul Project

NAILS: ...:::Scrub:::... Puzzle Nails The Grunge Soul Project

By Chanel Bruun

martedì 26 giugno 2012

Look 3-----> GsP

SKIN: ::Modish:: YolaYole Skin Fatpack

HAIRS: [Atro Patena] -  Heaven_Black The Grunge Soul Project

JACKET: *Tea Time*  MESH F*ckingVest Fox The Grunge Soul Project

JEANS: Vestigium - Baggy Ripped Jeans - Bloody The Grunge Soul Project

BOOTS: [e] Live Boots - Mushroom

BAG: -Gitchee- Bag Floppy Music


BELT: SuPerBia Accesories - Hippie Belt - FP - B

TATTOO: SuPerBia Tattoo - Summer Sun - Depraved Summer Hunt - B

EARRING: ..:: Bens Beauty ::.. Tanyeli Earring "red"

NAILS: ...:::Scrub:::... Puzzle Nails The Grunge Soul Project

By Chanel Bruun

lunedì 25 giugno 2012

I'm sexy .... Q______

HAIRS: Miss C.- Ashley_ "brown" The Grunge Soul Project

SKIN: [Katsucide] Lisa Night "tan" The Grunge Soul Project

PANTS: ..:Perle ShowoffmeshPants Leo/Grey:..

SNEAKERS: DEF! Sneakers/Supernova/Purple The Grunge Soul Project

NECKLACE: :::..SPLASH..::: Loved Skull Necklace Black The Grunge Soul Project

TATTOO ARMS: [Sleepy Bozer] Wine Riot - The Grunge Soul Project

TATTOO BELLY: - piccara - Fly Away Tat.The Grunge Soul Project

By Chanel Bruun

Shut up or I'll kill you ..... auahuahuahau

SKIN: :[AL Vulo!]-[Julia]-Dream of midnight The Grunge Soul Project

HAIRS:  Yassine hair style UNISEX HAIR PLUM The Grunge Soul Project

TOP: ::Fe Style:: LOVE & HATE (dark grey) The Grunge Soul Project

PANT: - piccara - Latex Pants (black) The Grunge Soul Project

SHOES: Retro' - masks boots The Grunge Soul Project

PENDANT: [Acide!] Pendant The Grunge Soul Project

TATTOO: - piccara - :fuckyea: Tattoo The Grunge Soul Project

POSE:  Juxtapose - Fun With Knives "3" The Grunge Soul Project

By Chanel Bruun

domenica 24 giugno 2012


HAIRS: RONSEM* 2nd Anniversary Gift / J Hat (mesh) boxed FREE

SHIRT: RONSEM* B-Shirt mesh / black/r -male

PANT: RONSEM* Cargo Pants / black

SHOES: :..SANTO..: Chucks_Red FREE

EARS: GAUGED: Human Stretched Ears [Pride]

PIERCING: [AdN] DEPRESSION (Man) face plug piercing

model : tassiot

By Chanel Bruun

sabato 23 giugno 2012

::Modish::, ploom, RONSEM, MIEL, **Cute Bytes**,

SKIN: ::Modish:: Lamia FireLines  [_Stuff in Stock_]

HAIRS: .ploom. Browns 1 - Vin

TOP: RONSEM* PANDA Tube / black

 JEANS: RONSEM* Hot Pants / blue jeans prims


NECKLACE: **cute bytes** bunny necklace

TONGUE: **Cute Bytes** Tongy animation

BY Chanel Bruun

venerdì 22 giugno 2012


left outfits:

HAIRS: *~*Damselfly*~* Marlena/Black Pearl

SKIN: :Al Vulo!- Baba2* intense sucre

TOP: *Anymore top drop_bob_

SHORT: [SPLASH] Summer Short Butterfly Color Blocking Fair 2012

HEADBAND: [SPLASH] Charm Yelow Flower Headband Color Blocking Fair 2012

NECKLACE: [SPLASH] Sound Necklace Color Blocking Fair 2012

RING: ..:: BenS Beauty ::.. Elegance Ring & Earring Fatpack

SHOES: DRD lolita (box) pack special

right outfit

HAIRS: [e] Other - Essentials Collection "brown 08"

SKIN: :Al Vulo!- Baba2* intense sucre

SWEATSHIRT: .::D0LLz::. Mesh Blouse - Brain

SHOES: .:cheeky:. loosely Shoes! Fat Pack "red"

PANT: ..:Perle mesh athletic Pants Red/Black

LANGUE: [Acide] Perce ma langue-Hard VioletTongue

By Chanel Bruun :*

giovedì 21 giugno 2012

walking .... ^-^


SKIN: [IREN]-Suri-sunburned

HAIRS: >TRUTH< Tashia - quince

DRESS: Retro' - dress mesh blue [_Stuff in Stock_]

BRACELET: Retro' - donut bracelet codette white blue

NECKLACE: -tb- Cross Necklace (Black)

BOOTS: Retro' - shocking boots blue (will be released next month) :P


SKIN: .::WoW Skins::. Sahra (include shape) [_Stuff in Stock_]

HAIRS: MISS C. / Valerie _Coffee [_Stuff in Stock_]

SKIRT+TOP: *Tentacio* Ruth [_Stuff in Stock_]

BRACELET: {me.} Pearl Time BLACK-GOLD [_Stuff in Stock_]

EARRING+NECKLACE: {*I <3FashiOn*}Striped Multicolor Set [_Stuff in Stock_]

SANDAL: +9 Summer Crocodile Sandal FREE MARKETPLACE

POSE: PURPLE POSE - FriendBall11

By Chanel Bruun & Clementina Criss

mercoledì 20 giugno 2012

[elikatira], [Al Vulo], ..::SPLASH::.., ..:: BenS Beauty ::.., *Anymore,

HAIRS: [e] Me - Essentials Collection

SKIN: :Al Vulo!- Baba2* coquette custard

LASHES: :Al Vulo!- Baba premium avatar

DRESS: [SPLASH] Nautic Mesh Romper Red Color Blocking Fair 2012

RING: ..:: BenS Beauty ::.. Melissa Ring Gold FatPack NEW LM

BOOTS: *Anymore darling Boots_ red_(MESH)

HEADBAND: [SPLASH] Charm Black Flower Headband Color Blocking Fair 2012

By Chanel Bruun :*


Dolly Red

SKIN: :Al Vulo!- Baba2*intense coffee

HAIRS: [LeLutka]-RUSH hair- Fire Top

TOP: .:cheeky:. Candy Shirt! *Mesh

JEANS: -Gitchee- F-Jeans Belly Dark

SHOES: Retro' - Multicolor stud shoe Color Blocking Fair 2012

EARRING: ..:: BenS Beauty ::.. Elegance Ring & Earring Fatpack NEW LM

NAILS: [SPLASH] Flowering Nails Pink Color Blocking Fair 2012

Dolly Blonde

HAIRS: Magika [01] TwentyFour

SKIN: :Al Vulo!- Baba2*intense sucre

DRESS: *Anymore darling dress_blue_

BOOTS: *Anymore darling Boots_ pink_

GLASESS: [SPLASH] Afro Glasses Mesh Pink & Yelow Color Blocking Fair 2012

By Chanel Bruun

martedì 19 giugno 2012



HAIRS: [e] Little - Essentials Collection "Blonde2"

SKIN: * BeciLia * GirlExtra Non/C "skin+makeup [_Stuff in Stock_] new lm

TOP: [[>CaKe!<]] Top Lamb Dark-Mesh-

SKIRT: {K}Rea Ruffles Skirt   fi*Fridays

SHOES: {K}Rea Unisex Slip-onfi fi*Fridays

RING: ..:: BenS Beauty ::.. Melissa Line Ring   [_Stuff in Stock_]  new lm


HAIRS: *Drot*The Adam Smoke

SKIN: **JOMO** Boy Skin 017D

SHAPE: *KENTO* Shape : Josh


PANT: ***BND*** - Black And White Baggy BND

SHOES : .:cheeky:.  Loosely Shoes! Black *MESH


TATTOO :  V TATTOO STORE /SHOP Tattoos  Red Koi Fish Tattoo (Faded)

By...Chanel & xKlaus

venerdì 15 giugno 2012

beach city

skin: ZOE milk 1 *Step inSide*
hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Alice Mesh Hair - Vanilla pudding [ FLF ]
shape: :: HF :: Ashton Shape

dress: Retro' - dress mesh blue [stuff in stock] start 18 june
shoe:  [PM] Fae Wedge White
ring: ..:: BenS Beauty ::.. Melissa Line Ring [stuff in stock] start 18 june
bag: Ricielli Mesh - YUSE bag - aqua
pose: G O L A \ Lazy time [stuff in stock] start 18 june

Two Styles


SKIN: ..:Perle Skin Nele:..

HAIR: -dDx- Aura - Savoir Hair Collection "Milk Chocolate" FREE

SHIRT: Retro' - Rainbow shirt MESH Color Blocking Fair 2012

PANT: Retro' - rainbow jeans blue Color Blocking Fair 2012

SNEAKERS: *Anymore  Colors Sneakers_greem/yellow

EARRING: ..:: BenS Beauty ::.. Gasp Earring Fatpack "blue" NEW LM

TAPE MOUTH: <Toxic Bish> Tape Mouth Texture Change 2 style tape


SKIN: Al Vulo!- Baba premium avatar  (Baba2*natural butter)

HAIR: Tameless Esther #43 SMYSH -  HUNT FREE
(hint: look near the lucky letter :P )

OUTFIT: P.i.X.X.i.S Outfit Naval blue


By Chanel Bruun Q___

Bunny and Me

skin: ZOE milk 1 *Step inSide*
hair: >TRUTH< Kalle
shape: :: HF :: Ashton Shape

dress: .:AVALE:. Katy. Cotton Candy
cardigan: JANE - warm embrace.cardigan.strawberry
shoe: [PM] Fae Wedge White
necklace: **Cute Bytes** Koky Necklace - Spring
glasses: **Cute Bytes** Geek glasses
puppet: **Cute Bytes** Puppet Keyboard - Bunny [activated only by writing]


giovedì 14 giugno 2012


skin: ...::: AV!SAGE :::... Naomi - Sunkiss  [SYS Ptoject]
hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Jacqueline Mesh Hair - (BOOBS) - As

dress: {nestle my bosom} grey wolf v-neck dress
pants: >>> moloko <<< Jeans > 2 < black
shoe: Retro' stud boots
bag: {*I <3FashiOn*} Bag Black&Gold


*~*Damselfly*~*, [Al Vulo], ..:Perle, ..:Perle, *Dreams*, ...::: AVISAGE :::..., ..:: BenS Beauty ::..,,

HAIRS: *~*Damselfly*~* Imma/Black Pearl

SKIN: [ Al Vulo! ] - [ Baba2 ] - [ natural reddish beauty ] FREE

SHAPE: ..:Perle Skin + Shape Nele:..

SHORTS:  ..:Perle  Mesh_Balloon Shorts

TOP: *Dreams* Top Any  #10  XYROOM 

SANDALS: ...::: AVISAGE :::... Mesh Wedge Sandals  003

EARRING: ..:: BenS Beauty ::..  Venus Earrings "black"

BAG: Karisma handbag Pink 2L$ 

By Chanel Bruun ^-^

sweety love

skin: ::Modish:: LamiaNeon Sunkiss
hair: [e] Listen

top: id. anchor mesh tube
skirt: ::{u.f.o}::cocoon bells  black cherry
shoe: *Crazy* Caligo Boots
necklace: GoK- Wheres My Minnie Red


mercoledì 13 giugno 2012

*~*Damselfly*~*, AKERUKA, *Dreams*, *Anymore, [SaKro], ..:: BenS Beauty ::..,

HAIR: *~*Damselfly*~*Torey/Black Pearl

SKIN: AKERUKA Twiggy light Mk5

TOP: *Dreams* Top Any   XYROOM 

SKIRT: *Anymore Lyric MiniSkirt_jeans_  XYROOM 

SNEAKERS: *Anymore  Colors Sneakers_pink/turquoise


SET: ..:: BenS Beauty ::.. Sun Set Exclusive  Perfect Wardrobe

Smuack Chanel Bruun

martedì 12 giugno 2012

mechanical love

skin: ::Modish:: LamiaNeon Sunkiss
hair: ::Exile:: Best of You:Rouge

top: ^Nous Vous^ Jean Mesh_Cropped Tie Front Shirt [SFF]
pants: >>GothiCatz<< CryBabe -  lowrise jeans
boots: Last Eden: Tall Boots
tattoo1: -tb- Face Paint
tattoo2:Munique. Princess Tattoo [GSP]
tattoo3: * Sweet Sin Tattoo * - Test Drive Here


Polka style

skin: [IREN]-Suri-light
hair: .: vive nine :. DreamCatcher in Ginger 

gilet: GATO- Baroque Vest
pants: [whatever] rider pants - mickey - L
shoe: Retro' - polka shoe red
necklace: **Cute Bytes** Koky Necklace - LadyBoo


domenica 10 giugno 2012

Summer 3

skin: [IREN]-Suri-light
hair: Clawtooth: Kinda Shy - Red eye flight

shirt: Retro' - shark t-shirt
pants: Le*Se - Skinny Jeans Painted [CBF]
boot: *COCO*_FlatAnkleBoots(Black)
bag: [Co57] LV Multicolor Speedy


Summer 2

skin: ::Modish:: KastASpell Summer -ForestMyst- [GSP]
hair: Clawtooth: Glowing Review Redux

dress: .:Eclair:. Floral Strapless Romper
boot: *COCO*_FlatAnkleBoots(Black)
necklace: *Tea Time* FLOWER NECKLACE



skin: ::Modish:: KastASpell Summer -ForestMyst- [GSP]
hair: Exile Need You Now for the Dressing Room Blue
blouse: >>>Poison<<< Tulipana blouse  [SFF]
pants: Retro' - Riha leopard jeans blue
shoe: [PM] Fae Wedge [A]
necklace: *Tentacio* Golden set


sabato 9 giugno 2012

*~*Damselfly*~*, ...::: AVISAGE :::..., *Anymore, Retro', Retro', ..:: BenS Beauty ::.., ..::SPLASH::.., SuPerBia,

HAIR: *~*Damselfly*~* Cwene/Black Pearl

SKIN: ...::: AV!SAGE :::... Naomi - Sunkiss  SYS Ptoject - 

TOP: *Anymore tank top Loose "my heart"

JEANS: Retro' - rainbow jeans red Color Blocking Fair 2012

SHOES: Retro' - Multicolor stud shoe

SET: ..:: BenS Beauty ::.. Heart Set

NAILS: [SPLASH] Flowering Nails Black Color Blocking Fair 2012

BRACELET: SuPerBia Accesories - Tangle Bracelet - B

Kissss Chanel Bruun

fi*Fridays + Miss C.+ Eccences + Tentacio

SKIN: {.essences.} Rowena "native"

SHAPE:  {.essences.}  Rowena

HAIRS: Miss C. - Suzy_ "night"

PANT: *Tentacio* Nature pants starfish

TOP: {K}Rea Cross Blouse  fi*Fridays

PLUGS: SuPerBia-PluGs *CaMo* GraY  fi*Fridays

By Chanel Bruun :P

Sale .:cheeky:. Q______

tp >

giovedì 7 giugno 2012

GSP round 20.... ::Modish::, Miss C., .ID:, .:cheeky:., [[CaKE]], DEF, ...:::SCRUB:::..., SuPerBia, ..::SPLASH::..,

SKIN: ::Modish:: Doomed Tan Skin The Grunge Soul Project

HAIR: Miss C. - Jisel_"espresso"

EYES: .ID. Radioactive "fire" The Grunge Soul Project

TOP: .:cheeky:. Off Shoulder Top! *BITCHES*MESH The Grunge Soul Project

JEANS: [[>CaKe!<]] Skinny Jeans-C L E A R-mesh

SNEAKERS: DEF! Ladyz/Wedge Sneakers The Grunge Soul Project

EARRING: ...:::SCRUB:::...Death Cameo Earrings The Grunge Soul Project

BANGLE: SuPerBia Accesories - Crocodile Bangle - Turquoise

BRACELET: :::..SPLASH..::: Pearl Skull Bracelets The Grunge Soul Project

By Chanel Bruun

The Grunge Soul Project ROUND20..... .{Rue}., Miss C., -piccara-, [IREN]-, ...:::SCRUB:::..., ShadZ*, Juxtapose,


SKIN: .{Rue}. Skins/Anima Tokahe: Rebel (w/lips), Fr.DBr.Clv The Grunge Soul Project

HAIR: Miss C. - Jisel_Blond

TATTOO: - piccara - Live, Love & Laugh Tat. The Grunge Soul Project

DRESS: [Iren] Summer Dress-Germany/mesh The Grunge Soul Project

EARRING: ...:::SCRUB:::...Death Cameo Earrings The Grunge Soul Project

GLASSES: ShadZ* Good Girls Do Bad Things - Classic The Grunge Soul Project

POSE: Juxtapose - Frustration Pose Set The Grunge Soul Project


SKIN: .{Rue}. Skins/Pneuma Tokahe: Rebel, Fr.DBr The Grunge Soul Project

HAIR: Miss C. - Jisel_Blond 

TATTOO: - piccara - Live, Love & Laugh Tat. The Grunge Soul Project

DRESS: [Iren] Summer Dress-Cities/mesh The Grunge Soul Project

EYES: .ID. Radioactive The Grunge Soul Project

EARRING: ...:::SCRUB:::.. Death Cameo Earrings The Grunge Soul Project

POSE: Juxtapose - Frustration Pose Set The Grunge Soul Project


SKIN: .{Rue}. Skins/Anima Tokahe: Rebel, NFr.LBr.Med The Grunge Soul Project

HAIR: Miss C. - Jisel_Blond 

TATTOO: - piccara - Live, Love & Laugh Tat. The Grunge Soul Project

DRESS: [Iren] Summer Dress-Cities/mesh The Grunge Soul Project

EARRING: ...:::SCRUB:::...Death Cameo Earrings The Grunge Soul Project

GLASSES: ShadZ* Good Girls Do Bad Things - Classic The Grunge Soul Project

POSE: Juxtapose - Frustration Pose Set The Grunge Soul Project

By Chanel Bruun

The Grunge Soul Project ROUND20.....[Acide], YASSINE HAIR, .ID:, [Acide], :DELICTUM:, *Tea Time*, ..::SPLASH::..,

SKIN: [Acide!] Shirl Tasn Nuance + langue The Grunge Soul Project

HAIR: =YaSsiNe HaiR StyLe= Malika Caramel Skull The Grunge Soul Project

EYES: .ID. Radioactive "violet" The Grunge Soul Project

LANGUE: [Acide] Kiss - Turquoise [Mouth] +skin The Grunge Soul Project

SHIRT: :DELICTUM: Loose Shirt Soul* The Grunge Soul Project

NECKLACE: *Tea Time*  FLOWER NECKLACE The Grunge Soul Project

BRACELET: :::..SPLASH..::: Pearl Skull Bracelets The Grunge Soul Project

By Chanel Bruun

The Grunge Soul Project ( G O L A, Miss C., *HolliPocket*, MarieDoll, ..::SPLASH::.., ...:::SCRUB:::..., -piccara-, Mstyle, )

SKIN: G O L A \ Christiane -Skin&Shape- "skin" The Grunge Soul Project

HAIRS: Miss C. - Carmen_ "Cherry"

TOP: *HolliPocket* Peepin Tank-Set 1-Plain The Grunge Soul Project

JEANS: .MarieDoll. - Jeans Fat Pack "blue"

BRACELET: :::..SPLASH..::: Pearl Skull Bracelets The Grunge Soul Project

EARRING: ...:::SCRUB:::... Death Cameo Earrings The Grunge Soul Project

TATTOO: - piccara - Live, Love & Laugh Tat. "love" The Grunge Soul Project

SHOES: Mstyle RIVEA Pumps - Baby Blue

By Chanel Bruun